New Baw Baw Crew to lead the way

Young people of Baw Baw Crew gathered under a tree wearing Live4Life hoodies and holding Live4Life 'cloud' signs

Young people of Live4Life Baw Baw Crew 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Baw Baw Crew!

35 young people from eight secondary schools across Baw Baw Shire were inducted as Live4LIfe Mental Health Ambassadors on Feb 29 — and they are ready to get started promoting positive mental health messaging in their community.

The induction was held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre, where the Year 9 and 10 students of Warragul District Specialist School​, Warragul Regional College​, St Paul's Anglican Grammar​, Marist-Sion College​, Neerim District Secondary School​, Chairo Christian College​, Trafalgar High School​ and Drouin Secondary College took the opportunity to get to know one another and learn more about being Live4Life Crew.

The students will volunteer as ambassadors within their schools, social circles, and the broader community. They will plan events and develop mental health awareness activities, which help reduce the stigma around mental health and provide information on how to recognise the signs of at-risk behaviours and poorer mental health.

Together with schools and a number of local organisations and community members, Baw Baw Shire Council is proud to support Live4Life. Baw Baw Mayor Cr Annemarie McCabe said, "Youth mental health is an ongoing issue not only in our community, but all across the world, and I am proud to lead a Council that is determined to make a difference in this space.”

"Approximately one in four young Australians experience a common mental health problem each year, and it's important that we provide these people with the help and support they need – Live4Life is one localised program setting out to do just this."

Adults in the community who are interested in learning more about how they can help their young people can attend a local Youth Mental Health First Aid® training program in March. This training session is subsidised for the community by Baw Baw Live4Life.


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