A big WELCOME to the Live4Life Moira Crew for 2023!

We love this time of year – bringing together and inducting Live4Life Crews across our rural communities is definitely where the real magic happens.

On 1 March we had our first Live4Life Crew Induction for the year in Moira and we would like to give a massive shout out to the amazing students who have put their hands up to be Crew in 2023!

Students from Cobram Anglican Grammar, Cobram Secondary College, Cobram & District Specialist School, Nathalia Secondary College, Numurkah Secondary College, Sacred Heart College Yarrawonga, St Mary of the Angels Nathalia and Yarrawonga College P-12 came together today to work with Hollie and Teegan from Moira Shire Council to build their own unique mental health messages and plan their own Live4Life events for this year.

We are really excited to see what the Moira Live4Life Crew will bring to their local community and to Live4Life in 2023!


Baw Baw's new Live4Life Crew for 2023!


Live4Life calls for more state funding