Leadership Great South Coast program - congrats to Cathryn!

Cathryn Walder, our Community Engagement Coordinator (Bass Coast and Southern Grampians) has been selected to be part of the Leadership Great South Coast program this year.

Leadership Great South Coast is a challenging leadership program that focuses on the region’s future and expands the knowledge, ethical decision-making capacity and leadership ability of leaders and emerging leaders in the area.

Cathryn has worked for Youth Live4Life for the past three years as the Community Engagement Coordinator and it is wonderful to see her take on this program.

In her own words, Cathryn said, "After seeing the impact of the program on individuals and across the region, I knew that it was the right option for me to help build my confidence, skills and knowledge as a leader in my work and community. I also see the learnings from the program helping with my role within the region advocating for young people and improving mental health and wellbeing for all."

Youth Live4Life's CEO Bernard Galbally travelled down to Warrnambool for the program Launch on 2 February. Youth Live4Life look forward to fully supporting Cathryn as she takes on this leadership program this year.

Cathryn’s involvement in the program is sponsored by the A.L. Lane Foundation.

Image Description: Cathryn Walder (Community Engagement Coordinator) and Bernard Galbally (CEO, Youth Live4Life) at the Leadership Great South Coast program launch.


A thank you gift for Live4Life co-founder, Sarah Hardy


We welcome Dr Anne Aly MP, Minister for Youth, and Mr Rob Mitchell MP