LAP it UP - Meet Clare

IMAGE - LAP it UP Champion Clare from Leongatha

Meet Clare, our LAP it UP Champion from Leongatha — and the Deputy Mayor of South Gippsland Shire — who learnt to swim in her younger years as a student but when she became an adult, her swimming stopped.

“I just enjoyed watching my children and splashing around with them — no actual swimming,” she says. For LAP it UP she has enjoyed teaching herself to swim again.

“It's been great to just jump in and de-stress and concentrate on improving my strokes,” she says. “My back has never felt better so that is a great bonus and encouragement to keep going after LAP it UP.

Clare decided to register this year and make a splash for LAP it UP because she was able to see first-hand, the work Youth Live4Life do.

“As a councillor of South Gippsland Shire, it’s a priority for me to see youth receive all that they need,” she says.

For Clare, participating this year has been amazing!

"When I thought I didn’t have the time, I’ve made it, and enjoyed every second! I’ve also shared my swims with friends and family — and have had great social swims too. I have on World Mental Health Day, achieved my goal of 1000 laps so I’m super proud of that, and my fundraising has over doubled my original goal".

We are super-proud too of an incredible achievement. Clare swam at Splash pool in Leongatha, most of the 1000 laps alone, but also with her friends and son joining in.

What has Clare enjoyed most about LAP it UP in 2023?

“I’ve taught myself to swim again and it’s been great for my mind and body.”

Video Description: LAP it UP promotional video for Youth Live4Life. Families and swimmers jumping in to the pool and doing laps, having fun, making a splash for youth mental health.


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