Blokes’ lunch backs suicide prevention

Read the full article from Tim Bottams in the Ballarat Times here

Photo by Tim Bottams in Ballarat Times – Handover: Biggest Ever Blokes’ Lunch committee member Nick Thurlbeck with Ballarat and District Suicide Awareness Network’s chairman Des Hudson and treasurer Chris Packer.

“The money for BSPN will go towards introducing the Live4Life youth mental health five-year program, which chair Des Hudson said will be an exciting opportunity for the city.

“This will be the largest community that the Live 4 Life team have looked at building a community network of support,” he said.

“We’ve got all our schools that want to participate so we’re really excited by the fact that we can have so many touchpoints with young people.

“Through this, 20,000 young people will have learned some skills about how to have that conversation around suicide and look out for each other.”

Read full article here.


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